

makefml Usage:

             makefml command
             makefml command   options
             makefml ::command options

   makefml command arguments         what

   makefml info                      show this message
   makefml install                   Install the fml system
   makefml newml ML                  make a new Mailing List 
   makefml destructml ML             destruct Mailing List 
   makefml add ML addr               add  to 
   makefml bye ML addr               remove  from 
   makefml add2actives ML addr       add  to only actives
   makefml add2members ML addr       add  to only members
   makefml off ML addr               off 
   makefml on  ML addr               on  
   makefml chaddr ML old new         change address  => 
   makefml matome ML addr [opt]      set up digest(matome) for address 
   makefml digest ML addr [opt]      set up digest(matome) for address 
   makefml addadmin ML addr          add  as an admin to 
   makefml byeadmin ML addr          remove the administrator of 
   makefml help                      help message
   makefml passwd ML addr            to change the administrator passwd
   makefml test ML                   test 
   makefml pgp ML args               e.g. admin-auth.pgp2 ML -ka pubkey
   makefml dist-encrypt.pgp ML args  (abbr. de.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gpg
   makefml admin-encrypt.pgp ML args (abbr. ae.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gppg
   makefml admin-auth.pgp ML args    (abbr. aa.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gpg
   makefml dist-auth.pgp ML args     (abbr. da.pgp) pgp = pgp2 pgp[5kesv] gpg
   makefml mead                      set up mead (error mail analyzer)
   makefml fmlserv                   set up fmlserv (listserv-like server)
   makefml lock ML [time]            lock  for 


